Kill Team Termination

Reviewing the last box for season 3 of Kill Team!

Welcome to today’s Warhammer 40000 Kill Team article where I cover the conclusion of Season 3 with Kill Team Termination Box! I go over everything in each box in-depth from the kill teams, new card accessories, terrains and rules! Thanks goes to Games Workshop for providing this to review for free. As always, I aim to be honest, impartial and constructively critical.

  1. What’s in the Box?
  2. Kill Teams
  3. Terrain and Narrative
  4. Kill Team Termination Overview

I’ve also done this article as a video you can check out here:

What’s in the Box?

Inside the Termination box, you get tons of content: the Kill Team Termination rulebook, 1 sprue of 10 Hernkyn, 10 Cadians, GSC upgrade sprue, the GSC Command Sprue, the Termination power boxes terrain accessories, Tac Ops and rules cards for both kill teams, transfers, card tokens and datacards for each operative!

The new cards are super useful, ranging from equipment, ploys and Tac ops. They’re all tarot card sized so will fit any appropriate card sleeves and deck box. The operative cards are about A6, almost a bit too large, but are great to finally have. These are box-exclusive and won’t be available when these kill teams are eventually broken down for individual release.

Kill Teams

Inside the Kill Team Termination box you get both the Hernkyn Yaegir Kill Team and Brood Brother Kill Team. I’ll cover both briefly here but I go more in-depth via videos for each appropriate kill team.

Hernkyn Yaegir

The Hernkyn have Infiltration with Seek and Destroy which is a nice mirror as to what Hearthkyn can take. They also are a 10 operative kill team. Faction Tac Ops are weird as…faction Tac Op 2 is the easiest one in the game. 2 VP for simply playing the game.

Your leader is pretty great. Can’t be killed in a single action and grants 1 resourceful point a turn, basically giving you 3 per turn. These can be used to either grant +1APL to an operative or heal them D3+1. Your Bombast is crazy, having a 9 inch pistol that always shoots first. Even more powerful if you can activate after pulling it off. Your Gunner is also quite powerful, giving your team even more damaging ranged punch.

Yaegirs are actually a pretty powerful team. With 3 operatives being able to forward deploy 4 inches at the start of every game, despite being locked into conceal, offsets their 4 inch move. Lots of tricks with powerful ploys making them very CP intensive. Hard to play but fun, with some slightly over-tweaked elements.

Brood Brother

Brood Brothers are kinda crazy. Having almost every archetype sans Recon, easy faction Tac Ops, and effectively being 12 operatives/activations.

Your leader grants a free crossfire token per TP, which can be spent for re-rolls and are applied after every fight or shoot action. Your Knife Fighter is actually a great trading melee piece, ensuring your opponent will be taking damage no matter who starts a fight. Finally your Primus is amazing, the best leader for the kill team. So many buffs while staying safe and contributing to the game. Way too efficient.

Brood Brothers are likely one of the best, if not the best, kill teams right now. Crazy powerful with so many flexible tools. Almost too many. Elites have no reliable way to beat this team. Especially if you take the Patriarch with his 21 wounds and double activating.

Terrain and Narrative

The Plasma generator doesn’t have any unique rules sans being a giant block of heavy terrain. It kinda fits in well for Bheta-Decima but is great for open boards. You also get 6 narrative missions in the book but with no unique rules like with Nightmare.

Kill Team Termination Overview

Overall, Kill Team Termination adds 2 very powerful kill teams to the game along with 2 semi-useful terrain pieces. Yaegirs offer an interesting take on board control and reactive play. Whereas Brood Brothers kinda just dominate in every field of play. Power creep train has no brakes!


  • 2 great looking and powerful kill teams
  • Card accessories and tokens which make rules referencing and tracking abilities quick and easy
  • Useful terrain for open play
  • Hernkyn Yaegirs are a fully competitive roster out of the box, no extra operatives needed


  • Brood Brothers need extra Cadians to build a full roster
  • More power creep
  • No cowboy hats for the Hernkyn

In summary, would I recommend Kill Team Termination? Yes! If I hadn’t received it as a review copy, I would have bought it. Both kill teams are powerful and offer new ways to play while also being very competitive and mostly full teams without needing to buy more models

Once again, the addition of cards and tokens is amazing. This was something sorely needed since kill team originally release so its great to finally have physical cards of operatives stats, ploys, equipment and Tac Ops. Especially as all of them, sans operative datacards, are tarot sized.

If you want to buy anything featured today in this article then please checkout my affiliate link at Element Games to net you a 25% to 15% discount at no additional cost to yourself while helping to support me and my work to use in-general.

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That’s pretty much it from me. So until next time, no matter what happens in the high seas of Kill Team Termination, remember there’s always a chance to win that clutch jump test as long as you can roll a crit!

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